I was called to be a helper by CR at first..
We were supposed to play some games and the first prize was RM400 for first group, RM300 for second place and RM 100 for the second runner-up..
Arrived at college around 8:45 am then called Pang Shen asked where was he..
Then got a free T-shirt and had to change it.. Wonder why they asked us to wear dark coloured shirt the previous day..
Wait and wait (perhaps for the players to come) but suddenly they said not enough players, so ask us helpers to join the game.. Split into six members a team..
So found our group and we were the first group because of our position nearest to the comittee..
They asked us to name our group, slogan and cheer (remind me of CB class in NS..haha)..
Introduce ourselves then name our group; Playboy..
Why Playboy? Because it's about time and your time's up!! haha..
The first game was "Tortoise tortoise jump".. A water game..
Our team had lose three rounds consecutively at first but then at last we won that game..
Move on to the second game; a game like Super Trio Show..
They showed us a number but the players can't know.. Once we shout out the number, then water will be splashed over our body..
While Pang Shen and my turn, left number three numbers but he went to say that particular number.. I was totally wet! = ="
Then, it's the "Aladdin" game.. We all stood on a 'mat' and need to reach to the opposite site and get the pail of water.. The team leader got strategy but it was hard..
After that, the next station was 'Coffee pool'.. The committees placed various thing inside and need us to search for the items.. The coffee smell is really strong and looks disgusting..haha..
Next, we gotta eat food quickly; ice cream, orange and watermelon.. Quite interesting though..
And have to blow Ping pong ball off the flour.. Very "Super Trio"..
Pepsi Cola was the next station.. Played stepping foot.. Don't have much experience in that game though..
And at last, it was some 'candle ceremony'.. We have to protect our candle from being blowed out while the committees kept splashing water towards us.. Got wet again..
Finally, our group, Playboy, managed to be the first runner-up..
We were quite happy because we thought we still got RM50 each person but since we were helpers at first and no participation from the students, so the prize rewards were cancelled..
Only the first group got hamper and they were kind enough to share it..
Still, it's enjoyable and memorable..
Playboy; Poon, Pang Shen, Leong, Jason, Ben and Jessie - we are the best!!
Some eye candy to share;

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