brb to write story.. waiting for the mood to write an essay..:)
It's semester break now and I should have updated my blog more often..
But it happened that I kinda lazy to do so~ haha.. Another one more week to rest..
Event 1 - 150909 (Genting trip)
This is the first time I went to Genting since eight years ago.. Yup, really long didn't go there already.. Should be taken the 8am bus but some members were late coz of rainy day so we took the 9am bus..
On the table car there.. On the way up to Genting Highlands..
Upon arrived..
With the bad boy, Chew Pang Shen!!
Wait 15 mins to play this i've-forgotten-what-it-called.. Quite erm.. slow..
The spinning cup.. I said I don't want to spin but PS you!! See who is crazier!! haha..
The swing(?) like spinning in the air..
Pretending to be "Stairway to heaven"..
The first group picture.. no place for me to sit..
In the marry-go-round (?).. Scare me coz all the mist made me couldn't see a thing!
Cinderella Man's scene..
Before going home..

Event 2 - 200909 (First day of Raya)
Went to Habibah's house..
As usual.. Have been celebrating the first day of Raya at her house for four consecutive years..
Talked and chatted a lot of rubbish there..hehe..
Event 3 - 210909 (Balik kampung - Wedding dinner)
Reach the restaurant there about 6:30pm..
No traffics, no cars on the road so reach there so fast..
Normally, before 7:00 pm the guests are arriving..
But we were the first guests to arrive.. See how V.I.P.. haha..
Then have to wait until 8:00pm for the dinner to start..
Listen to my mp3 for killing the time..
Start at 8:00 pm something the dinner..
The food is quite nice and we got to eat more coz some people didn't come..
But the most tak tahan part is the karaoke..
It's good to listen to songs while eating but imagine to sing "Foojian" songs continuously for two hours.. Walao, wa beh tahan le..
Only got to listen to Liang Zhan Bo & Juliet and Zhi Gui Ni You Gan Jue (Fahrenheit!!) but for like one chorus only.. Then the Foojian ge Karaoke began back.. sigh..
The other forgot to take pictures liao coz busy eating..
Event 4 - 220909 (Malacca trip)
My second time visitting the historical town, Malacca since 2007 following school trip..
My sister drove there.. Took about 1.5 hours ++ to reach there..
Arrived there at 11:00 am but couldn't check-in yet..
So asked the person there how to go to Malacca town..
He said very near only.. About 10km to reach Malacca town and 12km to A'Famosa..
So decided to go there for lunch and visitting around..
But, but, but it took us almost an hour to reach Malacca town.. XOXO
It's approximately 40km from there.. haizh..
Arrived at Jonker's Walk after hours travelling..
While waiting for the chicken rice ball..
It's tasty but not very,very tasty and kinda expensive.. =p

The river so nice..
Self-potrait while on the road..XDXD
I like the windvane..
Welcome juice and food sampling~
Cultural show..

Event 5 - 220909 (Raya again)
Went to Shuhadah's house..
That day she just ajak me while I wish her "Selamat hari raya"..
Then didn't tell me what time, what day..
Mariam sms-ed me later..
Met them.. So long didn't see them already..
Also talked rubbish..
To my very surprised, out of 5 friends, 4 of us are taking accounting.. XOXO
Though we are same course, but the syllabus kinda different..
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