Comeback - 16/5/09.jpg)
Okay.. This was me two months ago before I went to serve for the National Service.. Went to Putrajaya at noon but before that, my bag had torn.. So went to Spectrum to buy a new one and immediately I transferred all my clothes into the new one.. Then reached Putrajaya and searched for the booth to register and got into the bus.. Before that, took some pictures with my mother and sister.. About three hours journey to reach the camp so I just listened to songs..
When I reached the camp, we were requested to gather in a room.. Then got sport-check.. My panadols and spoon kena rampas because they said there are medic and cutleries provided for us.. hmm.. They gave me a green paper written O2 but I've mistaken it for 02 for somedays.. hehe..
I still remember that day was rainy lightly.. I was carrying three bags and searched for my dorm.. And the dorm was located at the end side of the block.. So it was quite far for me at the time.. When I entered the dorm, it was like speechless for me.. The mirror was broken and I've got to look around to choose the 'nicest' bed and lockers.. At first, I dislike the locker because it was shaky and had been conteng by the ex-wiras but that was the 'nicest' one.. Then, I unpacked all my things and went to get the full loreng, PT shirt, baju kelas, boot, shoes and etc.. And yeah, Peter was the first one to greet me in my dorm coz he's the only one there but he spoke.. mandarin to me..
The next thing that I dislike was the toilet.. There was no water heater (as expected) but the coughtoiletcough was really 13eyond my expectations.. I've never use it before in my 18 years life.. I really had the feelings to just go back home straight-away but that was impossible..
At night, the instructors got gave us some rules and regulations like must wear collar shirt, the shirt must always be tugged in, no slippars outside the dorm and et cetera..
The next day, all the wiras were need to be botak.. At first, got one cikgu helped us to cut the hair short like hell but then later got some guys helped him.. I never trusted them so I waited for the cikgu to help me cut my hair but I've got to wait for a very, very long time..
Then later they taught us like Baris Sedia and Senang Diri which I hate it..haha.. I've always dislike kawad but no choice, need to baris and baris..
Then Sunday we went to the nearest temple.. Most of them said it was the best day because can be out of the camp (but for a while only).. For me, it would be the best if I could go back home.. I heard some people were saying that if you think three months, it would feel really long but if you count as 80++ days only, then the 'feeling long' will be lesser.. But for me at the time, one week or lesser than one week also would be very suffer..
The following week, the CB or Character Building class began.. Many complaint that it was childish and boring but for me, there was indeed a little bit boring but it can be considered relaxing (compared to kawad).. haha.. I was in CB3 and it's divided into two parts in eighteen days.. Then got KKJ before the activities began.. And then after six days I was there, then suddenly my name got called to check up at the hospital.. I was quite shocked because I am healthy (haha).. So the doctors gave me to go back - got exemption but suddenly I felt it would be not really worth if I just go back after a week so I asked permission to stay (my case isn't serious okay).. Then the strength of the camp was getting lesser day by day because there were a lot of people got exemption due to health problems..
Then later, I was getting used to NS but just still got some things that I dislike; toilet, kawad and one makes wrong, everyone will kena punish..
This picture was taken during my first duty on Sunday..
With Cikgu Michael; the only Ketua "Tionghua" (don't know the spelling is rite or not)
Charlie's second duty team; the day I asked my family to bring the camera.. =p
Yeah, we agreed to take 20 pictures but just I lazy to upload them all.. XP
My family visited me.. =)
Need I explain more? hehe..
The M-16.. One of the most anticipated events for me but I don't really have feelings after shooting it.. (maybe because there were gases went into my nose and eyes while I was shooting) and I just needed to press the trigger..
These pictures were taken at Kam Lung San temple.. The temple is very nice.. It was my first time going there..
The Kelas Kenegaraan (KN).. At first, I was bewildered because I only knew two guys in the group.. But then, Cikgu ZaZa was the class teacher (also my CB class teacher)..
Yeah, those went for kawad and the rest taking pictures.. hehe.. Mostly because we will be going back early.. XD
We wore Baju Melayu since it was the last day for us to wear baju bebas.. And the entire Charlie team celebrated birthday for our Ketua Wira cum Chip Besar, Azizul..
Flying fox.. Also one of my most anticipated games but I just wore the half harness for taking pictures.. Why? Coz it's time up.. <_<
And our dorm lastly celebrated birthday.. hehe.. You'll find out that everyday's a person birthday.. We celebrated Azizul, Jack, Peter, Loh and Hao's birthday together with a 'farewell party' for Loh and me.. soap.. My most memorable experience.. See.. We had turned off the lights during the party..
Sending off them.. They don't let me to go back.. <_<
Before really going back, so took pictures with them all..

The mother's day event..

And lastly, met them at Petaling Street the next day..
And the conclusion is..
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