This was actually one of my anticipating dramas in 2008, I thought to watch it online but know that 8tv will broadcast it in the nearest time (after I've finished my exams) so I decided to wait for the tv version.. Much more clearer.. hehe..
This drama is like a comedy drama.. It was okay but it lacks of sound effect at first; no handphone tone or the vibration tone, doorbell and etc..
Rainie was good, just that at first can't bare her annoying voice and her maggie hair.. But that was Jiang Xiao Hua the Christmas tree.. So I got used to her after a few episodes..
And my first time watching Wilber Pan Wei Bo's acting.. I've known him for a long time because we share the same surname.. =D
I've never miss watching Rainie's leading dramas since Devil Beside You, Why Why Love and Miss No Good.. Compared to these three dramas, Why Why Love is the best.. But the ending theme for Miss No Good; Take Me Away is the best compared to Breathless and Ai Mei..Now waiting for the broadcasting of ToGetHer.. The main hero is Jiro Wang (Fahrenheit) and George Hu.. If I was this, so it would be my fourth Rainie's consecutive dramas..
I like the flashback at the end but not the riding-motorcyle-while-wearing-pajamas.. Don't really get the meaning.. hehe..
Afterall, it was a funny drama..

Rainie Yang as Jiang Xiao Hua

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