Time really flies very fast and it has been three months since my last comeback to blogging..
Now I officially end my second comeback blog writting activities until further notice; could be somewhere around May, June or July..
The chronology of this blog - 17/05/08 - debut; 30/09/08 - break; 01/12/08 - comeback; 28/02/09 - break.
I'd probably update when I feel to update during my break period but not as frequent as often..
So, just now went to survey the camp site.. Thanks to Mei Lan Che and her sister-in-law for guiding us the way to there.. The place is actually not quite far from here..
Went to have lunch; had Low Mee since it's famous there.. And we ter-ordered a special dish and this had caused my wallet to lost a three-digit number..
Then went to the pick-up point, it is fast using the new road but somehow we missed the road while going back so the journey had lengthen and I was fall asleep on the way going back..
Okay, I've got nothing much to write so I'd like to spam about Dong Bang Shin Ki..
They are going to release their fourth Japanese album, The Secret Code on somewhere around the end of March.. I really want to purchase it but I'd probably wouldn't be around..
This album is not really worth to buy for me because most of the songs I've already got like Beautiful You, Doushitte kimi wo suki ni natte shimattandarou, Jumon-MIROTIC and Bolero.. But since I'm a fan of them, so it is a must buy item.. hehe.. So, I've got to re-think it..
Besides that, Lee Seunggi hyung is going to film a drama and it's going to be aired in April.. I really want to watch it and also Heaven's Postman which is going to release around the corner..

I like this group picture..