Actually the reason i wanna watch this movie is because of these two people,

Wu Chun! and

Kate Tsui!
Besides that, I know all the main leads; Donnie Yen, Zhao Wei and the Singaporean actor, Qi Yuwu..
Wu Chun only appeared in the show after one hour.. Luckily I didn't purposely watch him only.. xp
And at last he's killed by Kate Tsui.. I like Kate in The Beauty of Game more..
Just not really like the ending because Donnie and Kate were killed also..
It was freaking cold in the cinema.. I was shivering while watching the movie..
Then went to Chillie's to eat lunch with Ps..
Quite big the Fisn N Chips..
Later walked around and see things..

Everyday, day by day, I was just at home.. Nothing special happened..
Just that some other days went to shopping for CNY..
And there are just three more days to go before CNY comes..
I wish all people a "Happy Chinese New Year" and "Gong Hey Fatt Choy"!
Hope this year will bring a lot of happiness and everything goes well.. =)